Suttyom Foundation


Suttyom Public Benefit Foundation for the Preservation of the Folk Cultural Heritage of Viharsarok


The Suttyom Public Benefit Foundation for the Preservation of the Folk Cultural Heritage of Viharsarok was established in 2002 with the aim of collecting and passing on the still available and processable folk music and folk art traditions of Békés County to the younger generation. Among its fundamental objectives are also close collaboration with other bands, groups beyond the border, and providing as broad information as possible.

The founder of the foundation is Imre (Tivadar) Kis, who played a significant role not only in the foundation but also in the life and founding of the band. Demonstrating their attachment and dedication to the name Suttyom, the band members accordingly came up with the name of the foundation, which became Suttyom Foundation.

The Suttyom Foundation has been operating since March 28, 2002, and continues its public benefit activities. In accordance with the objectives specified in the founding document, it conducts its activities in the following areas:

  • The preservation and transmission of the folk cultural heritage of Viharsarok (folk music, folk dance, folk art)
  • Organizing events and lecture series aimed at promoting widespread awareness of folk cultural heritage (such as the Suttyom Folk Music Festival, foreign performances)
  • Creating informational publications (CD recordings, flyers, posters)
  • Organizing series of programs jointly with Hungarian organizations beyond the border.

Since the beginning of its operation, there have been no changes in the composition of the Foundation's board of trustees and staff. The composition of the board of trustees is as follows:

  • Kovács Sándor – president
  • Bohák Endre – curator
  • Szujó Zsolt – curator
  • Máté Eliza – curator

Since the establishment of our foundation, we have submitted numerous grant applications, which have covered the expenses of our public benefit activities. We have successfully applied in the following areas:

  • NKA – Organizing events of national significance.
  • Civil alap pályázatok
  • Csóri Sándor Program pályázstok
  • Halmos Béla Program pályázatok

One of the most important events in the life of the foundation is the "Together in the Carpathian Basin" Suttyom Folk Music Festival, which has been held for years. The event is increasingly successful and attracts more participants each year. The vast majority of the foundation's income and expenses are generated during the organization of this event.


SUTTYOMBA a Viharsarok Népi Kultúrörökségének Megőrzéséért Közhasznú ALAPÍTVÁNY

5502, Gyomaendrőd, Apponyi utca 36..


Szujó Zsolt
Tel.: (20) 934-6096

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